What Is Email Marketing?

Nowadays, online advertising methods have changed. Actually, the old methods have gradually become obsolete and new methods have replaced them. Email marketing is no exception.

Email marketing is one of the best, top, most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools on the Internet. It is a highly effective digital marketing that almost all manufacturers and consumers use it. Due to the importance and effectiveness of email marketing in growing business, our team at Winnipeg website SEO team offers the best and affordable email marketing services. Before explaining the features of email marketing, let’s learn the difference between email marketing and spam.

Email Marketing vs. Spam

Email Marketing is the sending promotional messages or materials to those who have agreed with the sender to receive them. However, spamming is sending a same message to a large number of Internet users indiscriminately without any permission. So, the key difference between email Marketing and spamming is permission from the receiver.

When someone voluntarily requests to receive emails from a person or company, s/he is actually saying, “Yes, I will allow you to send me emails, and I would like to receive your emails and suggestions.”

What Are the Important Features of Email Marketing?

  1. Email marketing is cost effective.

You can use email marketing and access your potential customers even if you don’t have enough money. Many companies give you a number of free contacts to help you get started. For example, Mailerlite and MailChimp websites send a limited number of free emails to your members when you sign up for an account.


  1. It helps you to earn more than your investment.

According to some researches, for every $1 spent on email marketing, about $46 is made in return. Email marketing has the highest rate of return on investment compared with other marketing methods. As mentioned, you don’t need to invest a few hundred million to start email marketing, and you can start with a very simple program and develop it over time. It should be noted that you should use SEO and email marketing tools to drive more results.

  1. Anyone can benefit from email marketing.
Another advantage of e-mail marketing is that it is multi-purpose. Its low cost and the pervasiveness of email make it accessible to anyone. Either small businesses or big companies can benefit from email marketing. Some companies may not be able to run a costly advertising campaign, but everyone can invest in a detailed email marketing plan.  
  1. It is measurable.
Would you like to know how many people have seen your ad in the last month and reacted to it? Can you really access this information? Email marketing is a tool that allows you to identify the number of people who have seen your ad or are satisfied with it. With email marketing, you can thoroughly review your campaigns and implement corrective action to grow your business.
    1. It is very purposeful.
    If you get information such as the age, gender, and interests of your audience, you’ve got everything you need to create a targeted email campaign. You can send them related messages so that each contact receives an email based on his/her needs. In this way, more targeted emails are sent so that you are able to gather a lot of information from your audience by putting a poll on your website. If you want to connect with your clients and build stronger relationships with your customers through email marketing, Winnipeg website design art company can help you. We can grow your business and build trust with them through email marketing.

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